Invisalign Treatment
Invisalign can straighten a patient's teeth without the wires and brackets of traditional braces. Unlike traditional braces, the trays can be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating. Because the trays are clear, patients can undergo this type of orthodontic treatment without the usual discomfort associated with regular braces.
The aligners consist of a sequence of clear, removable trays that fit over the teeth to straighten them. Each tray must be worn for a specified amount of time-usually around 22 hours a day for seven days before you can progress to the next tray. We offer premium invisalign treatment by our expert dentist.
The Advantages of Invisalign is:
- Invisible, very thin, and don't impede speech
- Ideal for adult patients who are reluctant to have a lengthy orthodontic treatment wearing metal brackets or bulky removable appliances
- Can realign teeth after relapse post-orthodontic treatment
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